
What are Kushala Daora weaknesses, resistances, & drops | Monster Hunter Rise

Monster Hunter Rise allows players to hunt down and destroy the monsters that populate the game's open areas. Doing so grants players items, materials, and experience if completed successfully. Not all monsters are equal, though. At the top of the food chain in Monster Hunter Rise are the Elder Dragons, herculean Wyverns that dominate the lands they inhabit. One of those Elder Dragons, Kushala Daora, will make quick work of unprepared hunters, so ensure you're ready for this challenging boss by learning its weaknesses, resistances, and drop rates beforehand.

How to get the Nike LeBron James Crown in Roblox NIKELAND

After the success of NBA star Giannis Antetokounmpo's NIKELAND event, another familiar face has made their debut inside of the experience—fellow NBA player LeBron James! Like many other brands, Nike joined forces with Roblox in November of 2021 to create their own experience, NIKELAND, which features minigames, places to hang with friends, and even a few out-of-experience avatar accessories, including the exclusive Nike LeBron James Crown. To find out how you can add this free accessory to your collection, continue reading below.