Destiny 2: Weekly Eververse Bright Dust Inventory – 6/14/2022

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Most of the items offered in the Eververse store are only purchasable with Silver, Destiny's in-game paid currency. This means that—to buy these items—players must spend real money on them. Every week, however, a small selection of these items will be put on sale for Bright Dust, a currency earnable in-game, giving players a chance to buy these items without shelling out real-world cash. Here are the items available for Bright Dust for the week of June 14, 2022.

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Bright Dust Offerings

Those are all items on sale in the Eververse store for Bright Dust this week. These items will be available for purchase until the next weekly reset, which takes place at 1pm ET / 10am PT on June 21, 2022.

For more Destiny guides, check out Destiny 2 Duality Dungeon Walkthrough – How to complete each encounter right here on Pro Game Guides.
