Genshin Impact: How to Unlock and Use Fast Travel

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Genshin Impact's open-world is pretty vast, and no doubt, you'll be swept away by exploring every hidden crevice of the world. Due to the world's size, it'll take a large amount of time to explore, find every city and every ruin, so of course, there is a fast travel system within the game, but how do you unlock and use fast travel exactly?

Developers miYoHo has developed quite an expansive tutorial in the game, which explains many things that are easy to understand. It is quite easy not to pay attention, so we'll explain how to fast travel in this guide.

How to unlock Fast Travel

To fast travel in Genshin Impact, you will need to locate small waypoint pillars that can be found across the map. Once you interact with one of these, you will be given a small reward and you will unlock the ability to teleport to this location in the future! You will want to make sure to engage with these whenever you see one during your travels.

Example of a fast travel pillar in Genshin Impact

Credit to SMKurama on YouTube for the screenshot used above.

The waypoints are incredibly useful to have, as you can cover vast distances in a matter of seconds, which could take you quite a bit of timing walking or running.

Another use fast traveling is for fulfilling quests, as the quests will take you all over the world, hunting down specific items or the like, so being able to get to places quickly will have you completing quests in no time!

How to use Fast Travel

It's rather simple; just open up the main menu and head to the map tab. Here you'll find all the waypoints that you have unlocked and have access too. The ones colored by a glow are the ones you can utilize, but those that aren't colored are locked.

Here's a map where you can see where all of the waypoints are located. Credit to the good people of the Genshin Impact Interactable Map website for the image below.

Map of all waypoint locations in Genshin Impact

By using the map, you can explore and find the ones you haven't encountered yet, to make fast traveling everywhere even easier!

All you have do is click on one of the glowing fast travel points, and after a brief loading screen, you'll be in the location you wanted to head too! And that's all there is to fast travel.

We have a whole bunch of more guides on starting you out in this new game in our Genshin Impact section!
